
Sun Life Long-Term Disability Denials in Alberta: How Kotak Law Can Help

Facing a long-term disability is challenging enough without having to worry about financial stability. Unfortunately, Sun Life, one of the prominent providers of long-term disability (LTD) insurance in Alberta, sometimes denies these crucial benefits. Understanding why these denials happen and how to effectively fight them is essential for maintaining your well-being during such difficult times.

When Sun Life denies your LTD claim, it often hinges on specific reasons:

Insufficient Medical Evidence: They may argue that the provided medical documentation does not fully support the severity of your condition.

Exclusions in Policy: Certain illnesses or conditions might be listed as exclusions in your insurance policy.

Claim Procedure Errors: Mistakes or incomplete information in your claim application can lead to denials.

Pre-existing Conditions: If they determine your disability was caused by a condition that existed before your coverage began, your claim may be denied.

-Your medical condition doesn’t meet their definition of “disability.”

-Claim forms were filled out incorrectly or incompletely.

“It was overwhelming to have my LTD claim denied when I needed it the most. Understanding the reasons behind the denial allowed me to take the necessary steps to appeal and finally get the support I needed.” – A Kotak Law Client

This is where Kotak Law comes in. Lexpert recognized in fighting LTD denials, Nainesh Kotak of Kotak Law knows the intricacies of these cases and can provide the expertise needed to challenge Sun Life’s decision.

With years of experience, their dedicated team will meticulously review your denial letter, pinpointing the exact reasons for the rejection. This careful analysis forms the cornerstone of a strong appeal. From gathering compelling medical evidence to ensuring all relevant policy guidelines are meticulously followed, Kotak Law leaves no stone unturned. Their commitment to your case means you’ll have a well-prepared, detailed response to counter Sun Life’s decision.

Moreover, Kotak Law understands the frustration and stress that come with a denied disability claim. They provide not just legal support but also compassion and understanding, walking with you every step of the way. Their expertise ensures that you are not navigating this complex process alone. Aligning with an experienced legal team like Kotak Law can make all the difference in turning your situation around.

When Sun Life denies your long-term disability claim, it can feel like your world is crumbling. This is where Kotak Law steps in to lighten your burden. The appeals process for a denied long-term disability claim can be intricate and confusing, which is why having seasoned professionals like those at Kotak Law can be a game-changer.

Why Choose Kotak Law? Their team is adept at identifying the reasons for denial and crafting a robust appeal that addresses every concern raised by Sun Life. With their deep knowledge of the legal procedures involved, they ensure that every detail of your case is meticulously handled.

Kotak Law’s extensive experience in handling long-term disability cases means they know exactly how to present your case to maximize the chances of success.

At Kotak Law, the approach is holistic. They offer a free review of your denial letter, providing you with a clear understanding of where your claim stands and what steps need to be taken next. This initial consultation can be empowering, giving you the information and confidence to proceed.

If you’re totally unable to work, you might also qualify for CPP Disability payments, and Kotak Law can facilitate this process as well. Their dedication is not just to win your case but to secure the financial support you are entitled to.

Don’t face this daunting process alone reach out to the lawyers at Kotak Law at for the expert assistance you need to turn the tide in your favour.